Lyrics I Like the Waves Will Rise Up Do It a Thousand Times Again

Old boat in the stormy ocean

As you become through this mail, I encourage y'all to listen this vocal. It is a oldy but a goodie and I believe it is essential for us today. A cracking reminder that we are anchored in the Lord

In Matthew 8: 23-27, information technology relates how a nifty storm arose and starts to concoction the boat that Jesus was asleep in. The disciples with him were then afraid that they woke him in a panic saying "Lord, save u.s.a.! We are perishing!" The Lord is in the gunkhole with you, exercise non fright. Have we let the spirit of God be silent in our lives that it seems like he is asleep when we are going through the storm? We need to wake upwardly the spirit in our lives, not in panic merely in praise; not in perilous thoughts but in prayerful psalms. "O Lord God of hosts, Who is mighty like Yous, O Lord? Your faithfulness also surrounds You. You rule the raging of the sea; When its waves rise, You still them." (Psalms 89: 8-9)

We are encompassed about by the raging storms of life – a earth-wide pandemic, many have lost their jobs merely even so have bills to pay; some are laying in a hospital bed sick, in pain, knocking on sky's door but it non our fourth dimension to go; some have no food and no shelter fifty-fifty though it is freezing cold exterior; some have lost loved ones that were and so beloved and near to their hearts. Storms are raging in our lives. The question to united states of america is, Where does our anchor lie? What is our foothold when the strong winds are blowing against us? A groovy hymn of the church says:

Will your anchor hold in the storms of life,

When the clouds unfold their wings of strife?

When the strong tides lift, and the cables strain,

Will your anchor drift or house remain?

The great response to these questions that warms my centre and gives me assurance come in the chorus of that vocal

We accept an anchor that keeps the soul

Steadfast and sure while the billows roll,

Fastened to the Rock which cannot move,

Grounded firm and deep in the Savior's beloved.

Is our anchor grounded in the Lord today? Is our foothold institute in the word of God? Douglas Miller said in this song "The billows may roll, the breakers may dash; I shall not sway because He holds me fast. So dark the mean solar day, clouds in the sky, I know it's alright 'cause Jesus is mine…My soul has been anchored in the Lord."

Hebrews 6: 13-xx highlights the hope that we have in Christ Jesus that our anchor is firm and secure in him. "This hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and steadfast, and which enters the Presence behind the veil, where the forerunner has entered for us, even Jesus, (Heb. 6: 19-20a)

"Be not dismayed whate'er betide. God will accept care of yous. Beneath his wings of love abide, God will take care of you." We know and believe that through these storms of life, God is present. He is awake and He is our certain and steadfast foothold that we can be secured in. Remember when Peter stepped out of the boat to walk to Jesus on the stormy sea, he did walk on h2o, higher up the storms. But he got distracted by the winds and the waves splashing effectually him that he took his optics off Jesus and thus began to sink. He cried out Lord Help me. And Jesus stretched forth his mitt of grace and mercy and saved him. If Peter had non cried out he would take drowned. The bible reminds us "if My people who are called by My name will apprehensive themselves, and pray and seek My confront, and plough from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land." (2 Chron. seven:xiv). The interesting part of the story of Jesus walking on water was that when Jesus entered the boat, the tempest that was raging died down and the seas became calm again. Right at present, invite the Lord to come into the tempest with you considering when he enters or if you have the organized religion to walk on the h2o with Him, the storms will dice downwards.

Paul, a prisoner on his fashion to trial, was on a ship that got caught in a storm. After a number of days of being dilapidated past the storm, no food to eat, Paul turned and encouraged the sailors: "I urge you lot to take middle, for at that place volition be no loss of life amongst you, but only of the ship." (Acts 27: 21). Sometimes we need to go through the storms of life to get rid of the weights that seem to confine use, restrict us or the things that we then deeply depend on. Just as God was in the storm with Paul, He is with us in these storms of life. Paul had to exist attentive to the Spirit of God, and so that he knew when the angel was speaking with him. We too have to be in tune with the Spirit to discern his leading in this time of trials and tribulations. Pray, praise, worship and meditate on God'south words.

The tempest lasted for 14 days until they ran ashore just all 276 people on board were saved. On the 14th solar day Paul took staff of life, broke it and gave praise and thanks to God which signaled to those effectually him that information technology would be okay. As well, we, as children of God we ought to be praising and thanking God in these uncertain times.

  • The pandemic seems as if there is no ending – praise God.
  • Stock markets are crashing – worship God.
  • Bills are due and at that place is no task and no money – pray to God.
  • Wellness is failing – talk to the Male parent.

God is the stronghold for our anchor. He is right there, listening, waiting for the states to telephone call on Him. Come to Him, seek Him, you will find the answer that you demand to make it through the storms of life. Detect I said need and not want.

  • We want the situation to end but God is say that you lot need more faith.
  • Nosotros want the mountain to exist lowered but God is saying you need more than perseverance.
  • We want it to be over and done with but God is proverb we need more patience.
  • We want sickness and death to disappear merely God is maxim we demand more beloved and compassion.
  • Nosotros want the storm to end only God is proverb "yea though you lot walk through the valley of death, exercise non exist afraid for I and with you" – lean and depend on me and not on your own understanding."

Where is your ballast today? Where is your foothold? Is it grounded, business firm and deep in the Savior's love? Jesus is our stone that nosotros can footing our anchor and notice a foothold in during this storm of life.

May we observe our stronghold as we dive into the words of Bible and the lyrics of the song.

Though the storms go along on raging in my life, And sometimes information technology'south hard to tell the nighttime from 24-hour interval. However that hope that lies within is reassured, Every bit I keep my optics upon the distant shore I know, He'll lead me safely to that blessed identify He has prepared.

But if the storms don't stop And if the winds go on on blowing My soul has been anchored in the Lord

Past Douglas Miller


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